Bluebells, Bubbles & Levitation

The setting in Roslin was enchanting—a sea of delicate blue blossoms painting a dreamlike backdrop. 

Circus artist Jusztina Hermann posing in a field of bluebells
Loving this soft background.


Circus artist Jusztina Hermann posing in a field of bluebells
I made sure the background went out of focus.

We took some simple shots, capturing Jusztina’s natural beauty. The soft light bathed her in a soft glow, which I enhanced using a small flash in a softbox to the camera’s left.

Model posing in a field of bluebells
I like to take a lot of photos during a shoot, as sometimes a small change in pose can make a big difference.
Model posing in a field of bluebells
I prefer the side view to the frontal in the previous pics. Do you?

I let Jusztina go through a myriad of poses, firing away while adjusting the composition as needed.

Circus artist Jusztina Hermann in a field of bluebells
Variation on the previous pose.
Circus artist Jusztina Hermann in a field of bluebells
I had to widen my angle of view for this one and there was a distracting element in the background. Thank God for Photoshop!

I used my trusty telephoto zoom to ensure I only got bluebells in the background of my environmental portraits.

Circus artist Jusztina Hermann posing in a field of bluebells
Last pic of the series.

But we weren’t here for just standard portraits. We wanted to inject some fun! Enter the soap bubbles. Filled with rainbows, they became our playful props. 

Model blowing soap bubbles in a field of bluebells
Initially, we tried one big bubble, but things didn’t work out and we had to go to plan B.
Model blowing soap bubbles in a field of bluebells
Getting a pic like this is a question of timing.

I changed the lighting setup with two small flashes. The first one on the left and the other on the right. Jusztina is in a narrow beam of light. The underexposed background makes the bubbles “pop” (pun intended).

Jusztina blowing soap bubbles in a field of bluebells
This is my favourite of the series.

The real showstoppers, though, were the levitation shots. Jusztina’s expertise and a bit of digital trickery defied gravity. 

Circus artist Jusztina Hermann levitating in a field of bluebells
We started with Jusztina on her belly.
Circus artist Jusztina Hermann levitating in a field of bluebells
My favourite of the series.

I also used a two-light setup for this levitation series. The first light to the left and the second one to the right.

Circus artist Jusztina Hermann levitating in a field of bluebells
We had to try Jusztina levitating on her backside.


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