I never cease to be amazed at the number of people selling products online who don’t think it is necessary to pay for someone to take professional photographs of their goods. They’ll do it themselves or find the proverbial “friend with a good camera”.

Let’s first start with the obvious. Would you buy something that doesn’t look great? A bad photo can make your product look like damaged goods. Imagine how much more you could sell if the pictures you have online make your products look better than those from the competition. In this case, the photographs easily pay for themselves.

You may not have paid for your photographs, but that is expensive if they don’t sell your products. The pictures also tell a lot about your brand and the kind of business you are running, successful or not. The first impression you make is going to be very difficult to change.

There is a less obvious drawback to using the “friend with a good camera” who is going to take your pictures for free. Since he/she is not getting paid, there really isn’t an incentive for him/her to deliver the pictures in a short time frame. The time you have to wait for your photographs translates into lost sales.

Now imagine the following, plausible, scenario. You get your “friend with a good camera” to take pictures for free. It takes a couple of months, and the pictures aren’t up to scratch. So you eventually have to pay someone who can do a proper job. If you count the time lost, the cheap alternative actually turns out to be more expensive. This is when a professional photographer is cheaper than an amateur.
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