Portrait Photography and the Importance of Makeup

According to a New York Times report, a new study reveals that women who wear makeup (without overdoing it) are perceived as more likeable, competent and trustworthy. Not surprisingly, the study also reveals that makeup increases a woman’s attractiveness.

In a previous blog post, “Business portrait, the why”, I gave a number of arguments in favour of having a portrait of yourself on your website, LinkedIn profile or Facebook page. You wouldn’t buy something from someone wearing a mask, and if there isn’t a picture of you for potential online customers to look at, you are effectively wearing one. A photograph subtly tells your audience you have nothing to hide and makes you more trustworthy.

Beauty shot of model with professional makeup Edinburgh
Professional makeup by Maria Carmela Chierchia and beauty lighting

All of these observations indicate that it is definitely a good idea for business women to have a professional photograph with good makeup on their website, LinkedIn profile or Facebook page.

The pictures in this post feature  Stephanie Buckley, who was a joy to work with. The makeup artist was Maria Carmela Chierchia, who has been in the beauty industry for nearly ten years.

Beauty shot of model with professional makeup Edinburgh
Lighter makeup by Maria Carmela Chierchia for a different look


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