In a few of my previous posts, I talked about how I like to photograph women using a beauty lighting set up. But sometimes, breaking the rules is a good thing.
In the commercial world, one typically sees ‘happy’ pictures. Light tones without deep shadows. For some subjects, however, a more dramatic, darker mood is a better fit. Musicians and athletes tend to fall in that category. Maybe it’s just me, but most musicians I know relate to darker, moodier photographs.

A while back, I set up a few portrait sessions with Edinburgh based singer/songwriter Lisa Rigby. We did a sunset/night urban decay photo shoot, another shoot in a park and a portrait session at a friend’s house. The sunset photographs had a mood of their own, but I wanted to try to get much more dramatic images. Since the photographs are all about tonal contrast, bright areas versus dark shadows, I felt colour was a distraction, and the pictures were converted to black and white.

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