Circus Lane in Stockbridge Edinburgh is a picturesque location quite popular for photo shoots. Since I wanted to do some light paintings, we met in the evening. This also has the advantage of reduced traffic (not that there is much during the day but it is always annoying to have to move the tripod and/or light stands).
I was looking to get a variety of photos, and when I saw the lights on the house (the shoot took place a week before Christmas), I thought they’d make a great background for a portrait.

The next thing on the agenda was the blue garage door I had discovered on a previous shoot. Especially since Moa was wearing a white and blue dress. The contrast in texture and the colour harmony would make for a good photograph, I thought.

And finally, I had to do some light paintings. As it was pretty cold and Moa had to stand as still as possible for some period of time, she wore her burgundy sweater. It was easy enough to change the colour of the dress in Photoshop, to get better colour harmony and contrast.