Light Painting on Portobello Beach

Augustine is another musician who agreed to collaborate on my personal light painting project. You can find him on Spotify , Soundcloud or Facebook under the name “One Man Dancing”. Check him out.

I usually ask people where they’d like to be photographed, in case they have a favourite spot in town. Augustine had just moved to Edinburgh so he wasn’t really sure. When I learned he lived in Portobello, I thought of shooting on the beach. At that time of the year, the blue hour is late enough I figured the beach would be nearly empty on a week day.

Augustine really liked the result. So did I.

Augustine Samur, One Man Dancing, on Portobello Beach Edinburgh
We arrived a little early to set up, and then waited for the sky to turn a deep shade of blue. I then light painted Augustine and the foreground.
Augustine Samur, One Man Dancing,  on Portobello Beach Edinburgh
I prefer this set up without the hoodie, but we weren’t sure at the time so we did both.
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