Landscape Photography: Fall Forest

Autumn is my favourite season. I just love the colours.  Unfortunately, the fall foliage is now gone and the trees are bare. We will have to wait a few months for  colourful natural landscapes again.

Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
I like the challenge of finding interesting compositions (i.e arrangement of trees). It is harder than it looks.
Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
Getting closer can make it easier .
Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
I shot several versions of this photo. I also used multiple exposures in camera and panning after taking this shot (coming in a forthcoming blog post).
Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
Another pleasing arrangement of trees
Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
I wasn’t sure about the branch on the left hand side of the frame in the previous picture, so I moved to the right and tried this composition
Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
I really enjoying observing how the colours evolve from day to day. A few days later, you may not have been able to take that photo as a lot of the leaves would have fallen.
Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
Somewhat unconventional framing, breaking the rule of thirds.
Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
Another experiment. Moving close to the foliage to use it as the foreground with the forest as background. Wish I had tried a longer focal length, but on this day, I travelled light.

I really like the forest in Blackford Hill, Edinburgh. And every year is different.  I know I could spend a lot more time photographing there than I do now.

Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
Vertical composition of an earlier photo.
Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
I was attracted to the beautiful yellow leaves. That was rather early in the fall season
Fall forest, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh
Another “early” pic. Just loved the few orange/red branches to contrast with the remaining green leaves.
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