There is a saying, attributed to Louis XVIII, that punctuality is the politeness of kings. I take being on time very seriously and because I’m usually afraid to be late for an appointment, I’m often early.

I used to rue the time I wasted waiting for the meeting or appointment because I was ahead of schedule. Not anymore. Now that I’ve learned to use the camera that is always with me, in my iPhone, I spend the time waiting for my appointment honing my iPhone photography skills.

On that day, I had a meeting in Portobello, and not surprisingly I was early. The light was good so I decided to stroll down to the beach to take some iPhone photographs.

I do like to add textures to my photographs, and one of my favourite apps is DistressedFX. With this app, not only can you easily overlay a wide variety of textures on your photographs, but you can also add a flock of birds.

I really recommend the DistressedFX app, but I do offer you this word of caution: it is very addictive!