Would you show up to a job interview badly dressed and not having showered for a week?
That question sounds silly, because people know you have to look your best in such circumstances. This is why I’m amazed how people don’t mind putting bad photos of their holiday let on Airbnb or Booking.com. You don’t want to sell yourselves or your property short, and first impressions really matter.
Red is a dominant colour, and immediately attracts the eye. I used the dominant sofa as a leading line to direct the viewer through the photograph. A lovely blue sky adds to the cosy feeling of this living room.Choosing a point of view next to the red sofa allows one to see the other side of the living roomShowing the fireplace and book shelves from a different angle.
In fact, online, the first impression may very well be the last one. In this post I show you the kind of photos a professional real estate photographer can produce.
If you attempt to take a photo of a room with a window in the frame, you will quickly discover how difficult it is. That is why it is worthwhile to hire someone who knows how to take pictures like this.This angle show the two beds more clearly.Finally, this angle shows the storage capacity of the room, an attractive feature of this property.
I was assigned to photograph a lovely but simple one bedroom flat on Canon Street, Edinburgh. The landlord owns a business in town but lives outside of Edinburgh and this flat is his pied-à-terre in the capital city.
Showing a clean bathroom is really important. I know I’d be turned off a property if the bathroom pics were “dark and moody”, if you know what I mean.I like to shoot some details, such as the sink and shower (not shown in this post)
As a business person, he knew that investing in making his property look its best online is a smart financial move.
I love to shoot a backlit kitchen, i.e with the light source (window) in the frame. The light is wonderful, but it is technically difficult to get a shot like this.I also like to shoot some details of the kitchenI typically shoot two to three detail shots of the kitchen for every property (potentially more if the kitchen is large).