The world looked at with a macro lens is a different beast altogether. This is the main reason I enjoy closeup/macro photography. If you run out of things to shoot (or so do you think), look around your flat/garden with a macro lens on and get close. You’ll get plenty of new inspiration.
When you get very close to many objects, it can becomes hard to tell what they are. You are effectively shooting abstracts, and that is a good way to hone your composition skills.
Texture is an important element of design. The more elements of designs you include in your pictures, the more interesting they become. Crumpled aluminium foil is interesting in its own right as an abstract subject, but it does become more interesting if you add colours. In this little personal project of mine, I lit a piece of crumpled aluminium foil with three gelled flashes. I chose blue, red and yellow gels as these are the traditional primary colours. It took a bit of experimenting with the lighting and camera set ups to get some pleasing compositions of colour, shape and texture.