
There are many reasons I’m not into selfies, pictures of myself taken with a cell phone.  The first reason is that I’d rather be behind the camera.  And as a photographer, I tend to prefer better quality portraits in good light.

Shelfie, Photoshop composite of bookshelf and Philippe Monthoux
My first Shelfie pic.

On the other hand, something totally up my alley is a shelfie. Reading is one of my favourite pastime. In my many years as an academic, I amassed a rather large collection of books. But the book buying didn’t stop when I got into photography and business. My interests keep expanding and you can get an idea of the range of books I have on my shelves from the above photo.

The shelfie picture is also a good illustration (pun intended!) of the kind of imagery the digital technology and Photoshop allow one to create.  This shelfie photomontage is part of a personal project of mine involving photo composites. Apart from the creation of interesting surreal images, the technique of compositing has some very practical applications. For example, a reflector (or white card) may be needed to get the light just right on the subject, but the placement of the reflector is such that it appears in the shot. A combination of photos with and without the reflector allows one to solve the problem.

I believe that the mastery of Photoshop is a requirement in this digital age, and I plan to explore other kinds of composite ideas to hone my Photoshop skills, because I just love to learn new things. So look for other Photoshop composite experiments like the shelfie picture above in the coming weeks and months.

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1 Comment

Dear Philippe,

I’m a School Librarian and am organising a Shelfie competition for World Book Day. Please could you tell me how you managed your brilliant picture above with you sitting on the shelves? I’d love to do something similar to promote the competition around school.



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