Burnaby Lake Park, B.C.

This is the second blog post about my recent trip to Vancouver, B.C.

One of the reasons Vancouver is such an attractive city to visit is that it is close to beautiful natural scenery and parks.

Dramatic sky over Burnaby Lake, in Burnaby Lake Park, B.C.
Dramatic sky over Burbaby Lake, B.C.

Burnaby Lake has its origins in a melted glacier and formed about 12’000 years ago. The lake was named by Colonel Richard Moody, the first Lieuteneant-Governor of the Colony of British Columbia, after his secretary Robert Burnaby. The lake has a surface area of 3.11 km2.

The area is frequented by a great variety of bird species such as the Great Blue Heron, the Green Heron, bald eagles, and osprey.  Unfortunately, I only saw various types of ducks during my visit. Aside from birdwatching, the park has many kilometres of walking and hiking trails circling the entire lake.

Canoeing is a popular activity in Burnaby Lake Park, B.C.
Canoeing is a popular activity in Burnaby Lake Park

Canoeing and kayaking are also very popular. A group of people accompanied by an instructor left in the boats shown above minutes after the photograph was taken.


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